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Maxine Clark

Craft Pizza

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Homemade classic, Sicilian and sourdough pizza, calzone and focaccia. Recreate the tastes of Italy with over 65 delizioso recipes for pizza, calzone, focaccia and more buon appetito!
Hailing from the sunny south of Italy, and quickly popularised around the world, pizza is undoubtedly a fast-food favourite. Now more popular than ever with the rise of “craft' creations, its versatility of tastes, toppings and types of bread, means that everyone can share in a slice of the action, and Craft Pizza will show you how. Without the need for elaborate equipment, you'll be shown itpossible that with just the most basic, fresh ingredients you, too, can make luscious handmade pizzas, calzones and focaccias. Once you master the basics of the pizza doughs and sauces, you'll be amazed at how this popular dish is wonderfully easy to make, always tasty to eat and guaranteed to transport you to the vibrant streets of Italy you'll want every night to be “pizza night'!

ISBN: 9781788791946
210 x 170 mm, 160 pages

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Craft Pizza