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Nick Mortimer, Hamish Campbell & Margaret Low

Photographic Guide to Rocks and Minerals of New Zealand

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This compact pocket guide is for keen nature enthusiasts who want to be able to put a name to a rock or mineral, and find out more about how they are formed and used.

Rocks and minerals are as much a part of the natural environment as plants and animals. They have created land forms that are some of New Zealand's most beautiful and best-known features. Rocks and minerals have been used by humans for a long time and are still in use today. common minerals, can be found in New Zealand.

A Photographic Guide to New Zealand Rocks and Minerals is for nature enthusiasts who want to be able to put a name to a rock or mineral, and to learn more about how they were formed and how they are used. This compact, pocket guide includes identification keys, full colour photographs, diagrams and a glossary.

The book contains information about the most common 28 minerals and 53 rocks that can be seen in the mountains, hills, beaches and rivers of New Zealand. Nick Mortimer, Hamish Campbell and Margaret Low all work at GNS Science.

ISBN 9781990003844

144 pages, 190 x 95 mm

Cover Type

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Photographic Guide to Rocks and Minerals of New Zealand